First National Mortgage
The U.S. Federal Reserve recently announced its new approach to monetary policy, setting the markets abuzz with rumors. Will mortgage interest rates remain low? Will they jump? Here’s what the Fed’s policy means for mortgage loans. Fed Policy
Sep 16, 2020 | Interest Rates Fixed Rate Mortgages
When you are ready to apply for a mortgage loan, your lender will ask you for all sorts of financial information. One of the things lenders do with this data is to calculate your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. A DTI ratio is one of the most basic methods len
Apr 17, 2019 | Credit Fixed Rate Mortgages Conventional Loans Preapproval
If you have ever checked out the current status of mortgage interest rates, you may have seen the average points listed next to the rates. What are these points and how do they affect your interest rate? Points Defined Mortgage points, or discount point
Feb 06, 2019 | Interest Rates Conventional Loans Fixed Rate Mortgages
The majority of homes around the country are purchased with the aid of traditional, conforming mortgage loans. Yet when home prices rise quickly, many markets have price tags that are too high for these standard loans. Enter the jumbo loan. What is a Jum
Nov 14, 2018 | Jumbo Loans Adjustable Rate Mortgages Fixed Rate Mortgages Purchasing a Home